Tuesday, June 7, 2005


My husband and I are moving to our newly purchased condo in less than 2 months. Four weeks of that time will be spent at the camp we work at every summer, which leaves very little time to organize/pack/downsize/donate our belongings before the big day. In the meantime, I have lots of music to learn and polish for upcoming auditions, roles, and recordings, and my hubby the middle school band teacher is caught up in the end-of-the-year craziness at school. All of this is feeling a little overwhelming to me today, perhaps because I'm still in vacation mode from the wonderful trip to Vancouver I had over the weekend (more on that later). Whatever the reason, I couldn't quite face getting out that first box to pack, so instead I started this blog. It's something I've been meaning to do for a while. Maybe it's because I'm about to turn 30 (yikes!), but lately time has been flying by. Hopefully this will provide me with space and motivation to record whatever happens to inspire me, and at the same time give my family and friends an easy way to keep up with what's going on in my life and music.


Gia-Gina said...

Congrats on your new condo, guess you were right about he patio set, it might not have fit into your new place. Will you have a housewarming party?

Melissa said...

Yes, our new patio is about the size of a postage stamp. We think our barbeque will fit on it, but we're not sure. We'll definitely have a housewarming party, once we get unpacked, but right now, I just have to start packing! :)